Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Real Faith

My whole life I have been searching for a Christian faith that is real and meaningful to my life. It can be easy to forget about this pursuit in the chaos of everyday life. I want a faith that challenges me to love and live as Christ did. In The Last Word and the Word After That, Brian McLaren offers a perspective of faith that I find to be true.

"From beginning to end, our faith is situated. It's an unfolding story, and every story requires a setting. It's news - and not just news that happened but news that's still happening, and that means it requires a context. It's an ongoing movement and message that always takes place in a medium. It's all about incarnation - about God entering and embracing our story. So if you want to abandon the story, if you want to get out of time and culture and into some timeless neutral zone above the fray, you're trying to get out of the very thing that God is deeply into. Maybe some other religion or philosophy can deal with timelessness, but not real Christianity. It's forever timely, not timeless."

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