Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The In-Betweens

Ben and I both had the flu last week and it sucked... Neither of us have ever felt so sick in our lives and frankly I still feel pretty crappy, walking around all day feeling dizzy and light-headed. YUCK!

However, there is some good life news for us, I was recently hired with Academy school district 20 as a Para for Significant Support Needs individuals. So while I will definitely miss my babies it will be nice to have some benefits and not come home every day emotionally drained. I began looking for a job when it became evident to me that most days I was coming home with nothing left to give to my husband because I had been drained by my kiddos. So while I love the babies I will also love disconnecting myself a little and working with older children who require different sorts of care.

Ben is "loving" his position up at Larkspur, some days are certainly better than other but for the most part he likes teaching history more and he likes the support that he is receiving much better. Although now he has run out of paid leave so hopefully his health will keep up.

In less than 4 weeks we leave for England, which will be an exhilarating and draining journey, when I traveled to England in 2006 it was an emotional cleansing for me and being able to visit some of those same spots will be affirming, as my therapist says, but also trying in that the remembrance of past lose and mistakes will be made anew in my soul. I wonder if I will ever be able to forget the pain and abandon the self loathing which is so oft to plague my days. I think that our pasts make us who were are, therefore our pasts are intrinsically imprinted on our souls. Walking along the streets where I remembered me and betrayed "him" will provide Ben and I an opportunity to heal as a couple and for me to continue healing as an individual.

Pray for us as we pray for all of you, pray that we will remember our blessings and be so filled that we are constantly bestowing from that onto others. Pray that we will sleep and find rest in the moments that we spend together. Pray that the end of school and Africa will be right around the corner : )


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