Saturday, March 29, 2008

Coming Home

Tomorrow Ben and I will begin our trip home. This comes as a relief because we miss our puppy and our bed but it also comes with great sadness. It is an amazing feeling to wake up and see a castle out the window. It brings you into a fairy tale when you see the beauty and history that so surrounds our lives.

I spent a great deal of time being reminded that there is more to this life than what we see or know, so much of today talks about living in the here and now but I cannot imagine the rich pleasure that would be missed if we did not acknowledge our history or bask in the promise of a future. Seeing castles and minsters provides us with a glimpse of beauty that surpasses what this age has known or will ever know.

Going home will be difficult but Ralph Waldo Emerson reminded us in his writings that we cannot abandon our lives even when we take leave of them, our troubles follow us where ever we go.

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