Monday, January 4, 2010

I just read that the average American uses 15 GALLONS of water per day!

How much do I waste?

How much do I use in the shower? Flushing the toilet? Washing gross things down the kitchen sink? Drink?

I cannot fathom what 15 gallons would mean to someone in Africa, India, South America... Where do I waste? How do I stop? How will the world ever change without little movements?

1 comment:

Sandra's Latest... said...

I am raising money through an organisation called charity: water and according to their stats we use 150 gallons per week! Which would be over 20 per day. It is crazy and I am reminded of this constantly. And having worked in Africa, seeing children die of water-borne diseases, really moves me to want to change something. And as you stated- change starts with small movements. It's great that we can make a difference right where we are at. It is also good to realize how blessed we are! Not only with water, but so many other things, that people in developing countries do not have and we maybe take for granted.
All the best as you follow your heart's desire to make a change in Africa!