Thursday, August 14, 2008

School's Back in Session

I am back at work, which means that I do not have hours upon hours to spend doing the things that I want to do... which translates into the fact that we will be slowing down on our blog postings.

Ben and I start classes on the 25th which means that 4 nights of the week we will be away from each other... we do not do well when we are away from each other.

I had my first day with students today and the kids are certainly going to give us a run for our money. I am excited for a new year and the changes that it will bring and the things that I will learn but at the same time change can be intimidating especially for an impatient person like me. I have to give myself grace because any person would lose their patience after being asked "why" 1000 times in 30 minutes. God give me grace!

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