Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

Ben and Grandpa had fun with the glasses

Hanging with the family
At the Havana Club with Jeff
Christmas with the Bensons
The puzzle that haunted our sleep
Our 3rd Christmas
Christmas with the Knightens
Jeff and Sarah at the Havana Club-- good music and no dancing

We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

This is Christmas

Today Ben and I celebrated our Christmas! We each got wonderful gifts and enjoyed our time together.

We have also been thinking a great deal this season about the blessings in our lives and the essentials that are missing from other peoples lives. This coming summer we will be going to Africa, we are going with the knowledge that no two people can change the world, but that with a little bit of love and relationship we can inspire and be inspired. Christmas is not about gifts (we all know that) but it also not really about Christ, if it was things would look very different. I love this holiday because of family and giving and joy but in truth, and in my heart we should be embracing the spirit of Jesus sacrifice all year around and giving in relationship and love throughout each moment. Perhaps in Africa, this summer, Ben and I will be able to bring a little bit of heaven to earth by serving and kneeling before others.

We hope that this year is beautiful and blessed for each of you. We hope that you find your niche and the grace of God gives you grace for others. Have a Merry Christmas and carry the spirit of this day with you the whole year round.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dreaming of Africa

Things for Africa finally seem to be falling in place and while the details are huge and the cost is more then I can fathom, we are ready to go and have faith in the goodness of people.

Uganda June 2009 (?) Tree of Life Ministries.

We are hoping to have a chance to work in 3 schools started by 9 pastors and travel to some of the islands in Lake Victoria. We are thinking that we might hold some womens retreats and mens clinics to build relationship and inspire change.

Overwhelmed is the only emotion that I feel surrounding Africa. Overwhelmed at cost, with joy, and ideas.

I know that the world will not change, Africa will not change, unless people within that nation begin to act and make the changes. I want to help raise up a generation of Africans who want to end corruption and stop the spread of disease and protect the rights of women and children.

I will not change Africa, but perhaps with the help of others, Africa will understand that there is a way to be good again.

So pray, hope, pass good feelings our way for Africa and this journey. Keep your eyes open here for more info on fundraisers and our trip needs.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Listen, another quality moral message from Brittany Spears!