Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Shack

I am reading "The Shack" right now and I am so amazed. I think that these are thoughts that a number of people are considering when it comes to modern Christianity. The Trinity is depicted as three separate individuals; God, or Papa, as a large black woman which I must say I like a great deal more then an old white man, The Holy Spirit, or Saraya (wind) as a woman who is ethereal in nature... a mystery much like "religion"ought to be, and finally Jesus as well Jesus, a Arabic carpenter who is not in the least bit attractive. Since when has God been the American version of success and privileged?

To be truthful the idea of the trinity has always baffled me, but when I think about it in terms of the three existing in order to experience relationship it kind of makes sense (note: kind of). If God was just one individual then would it be possible for God to have experienced the relationship with humans? I don't know.... just struggling with questions.

I have always believed that there ought to be more mystery in faith, our Father and our faith is not meant to be understood but rather we are meant to experience God's love and our relationship with him.

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