Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Summer is over and school and work have begun for both of us; this means that for 4 nights a week (Monday-Thursday) we see each other from 7pm until 8:30 (or whenever we decide to go to bed). Ben and I are not the kind of husband and wife who can be away from each other for long periods of time so this season is particularly difficult. It seems like there is a reason for these months (beyond the ever-distant degree) and I know that as a couple we are stronger for these times. Hopefully I will be able to wrangle us a weekend away from the city so that we can enjoy so time devoted just to each other.

In the meantime, look forward to hearing nothing but whining and complaining from this blog : ) Hopefully, God will revel something to use as we look for ways to bless others even while we are busy.

By the way, I am looking for a new job that is part-time and I could use some divine intervention in finding something to work with my schedule.

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