Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Month

Well... the last month has been a mix of Joy and Sorrow. Parenting an infant is certainly wonderful and difficult all at the same time. I have come to realize what it truly means to sacrifice and to be needed. Throughout my typical day, I have to choose to meet the needs of Grayson above my own needs and sometimes I have to choose myself (like when I desperately need to eat something besides chocolate!). I love being a mother and I know that Ben loves being a father. If only we both had this time to spend with Grayson, but I so appreciate that Ben is continuing to work so that I can have this time with our son. I thought that in honor of Grayson's 1 month birthday, I would share 10 things that I have learned and then 10 things that I love about Grayson (pictures included)!

10 things I have learned:
1. it is possible to look presentable without showering
2. changing a boys diaper can be disastrous!
3. baby's are LOUD sleepers
4. it is possible to scrub off your child's head hair... sad day!
5. baby carriers are a life saver for getting ANYTHING done (except showering, although I may try it sometime)
6. baby's burp and fart really loud and not everyone thinks it's funny... although, we do!
7. sometimes Grayson can only be consoled by Ben and sometimes he can only be consoled by me and it's nothing personal
8. up until now, I did not understand what it meant to be tired
9. i should have taken more time to enjoy eating while I could because now I just inhale it between nursing and consoling the little guy
10. dairy is not good for anyone... especially babies
10 things that I love about Grayson:
1. the way his bottom lip sticks out when he is crying
2. how he giggles in this sleep
3. the way his raises one eyebrow and looks at me like I have lost my mind (which I have)
4. how he likes to hang his head upside down when he is in the ergo carrier
5. his old man cul-de-sac
6. his GORGEOUS blue eyes (the one trait he got from me)
7. how much he looks like his dad
8. the vigorous way he sucks on his pacifier during bath time (the only way we can calm him down enough to bathe him)
9. his LONG eyelashes... I am jealous
10. how he lays his head on my chest and falls right to sleep


Susan Knighten said...

Love this post and, of course, the pictures!!! Thank you!

The Carr Family said...

BIG yes to the shower and tired lesson. So true! :-) I had to get in the water with Bella until she was able to sit up by herself otherwise she'd just scream and scream the whole time :-(. We only bathed her about once a week when she was really little so it wasn't too bad at all.

jbenson001 said...

I love all those things and more! I love that my daughter is a mom! Love all the pictures, too! Thanks!