Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Reflection

When Ben and I pray together, we always acknowledge how blessed we are with love and resources; whenever we acknowledge this, we also entreat God to sow us ways to bless others with our resources. Since Ben began working at Sierra and we moved down south, we have been able to truly see how God works in the areas of greatest need. I feel incredibly blessed that God has shown us to people who need his intercession.

How blessed we are! Each day I thank God for his presence in my life and his constant refining of my heart. Today I am thankful for my husband, he is the most amazing man I have ever known and his heart for helping others is infectious, I am thankful for my family who are always supportive and present in our lives, finally, I am thankful for our friends who have been good about lifting our spirits and supporting us.

I hope that everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving and that the spirit of thankfulness continues from this day until Thanksgiving 2010. Love you all!

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