Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Inadequate Gifts

As I continue to read There Is No Me Without You, I find myself encountering my own inadquacies.

Greene offers a story of when a man requested rocket balloons and she believed that he was going to give them to his own grandchildren so she gave him only one balloon, judging that he was taking it to children who were well loved. She says, "Later that day I learned that Haj, in his home village, ran a hole-in-the-wall orphanage like Haregewoin's. He was a surrogate grandfather to about 80 older boys. I gave that nice man one balloon." (160, Greene)

How many times have I judged a persons worthiness? Probably each and everyday. And I am sure that I have given a thousand angels just one balloon because I thought I knew better what they actually deserved. This was a conviction for me today. This was God saying, "Who are you to judge what people deserve?" and here I am knowing that I am no one, yet unsure how to break my own chains, the chains of my own selfishness.

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